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Located on a 5 acre private property near Qualicum Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
The beautiful property has a large pond in the centre which attracts birds and other wildlife, enhancing one’s commune with the forest and Mother Nature herself.
Everything you need is provided, just bring your toiletries.

Melody, a vibrant yellow fibreglass sphere, features a captivating mural. Accessible via a bridge and spiral stairs, she offers a black walnut interior with an open living concept. Melody accommodates two people with a fold-out Murphy bed and bench seats under large windows. She is heated, has adjustable lighting, and a private composting outhouse.

Eryn, a wooden sphere, has a walkway leading to a spiral staircase. She sleeps two adults and potentially a third person in a loft bed. Eryn is heated, has a small sink and refrigerator, and a speaker system.

Luna, the newest sphere, combines design elements from Melody and Eryn, offering comfort, a hydraulic bed, and a private bathroom nearby.


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